Gensei Dojo

Gensei Dojo karate academy opened in 2022 by Sensei Richard Rojas 3rd Dan and Sensei Carlos Maseda 3rd Dan. Located in the city of Santa Ana de Coro, Falcón, Venezuela, where classes are taught in this ancient martial discipline, which offers numerous physical and mental benefits to those who practice it. In addition to promoting health and physical fitness, Karate-do fosters values such as respect, discipline, perseverance, self-confidence, drive, responsibility, and honor.

Sensei Rojas started his karate journey in 1989 and Sensei Maseda started his in 1988, both under the Hanshi Luis Ganhao at Tanabe Coro. Both with notable participation in the kata and kumite categories in various national and regional championships, invitational tournaments, the Simón Bolívar Cup, among others, as well as serving as technical staff in various events.

Phone: Sensei Rojas +58 414-3683538 Sensei Maseda +58 412-0662668